Saturday, March 26, 2011

Before and After

 This is a simple post... one depicting the before birth and after birth comparison of the female genitalia
both are of the same woman... an interesting comparison




So many Ideas not enough Time said...

WOW! I feel a lot better about how I look now. I used to think that I was the only women who looked like I did since giving birth. knowing that we all get stretched and worn after having kids actually makes me feel sexier :) sounds weird I know but, its just that this is a badge of honor and ment to be worn proudly. I guess that's why my husband has never said anything about it other than good things. I guess they see it as beautiful too.

LeTara said...

I think we all feel like that sometimes.. like everything needs to just "bounce back" .. but even in the best of circumstances things will change.. and I am learning to embrace those lovely changes.. for they are a mark of accomplishment ... i have birthed babies vaginally and I have the vagina to prove it! These changes and natural alterations are apart of being a woman.. and isn't that just a grand thing in and of itself ....

Kelly said...

Thank you for this! very interesting and poignant! It is remarkable how many women are opting for c-sections, in order to avoid this natural progression of motherhood. I agree with the first comment, it is a badge of honour and there is nothing more beautiful on a women then motherhood.




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